How I can help


How I can help

I offer one to one therapy with individuals online or on the telephone.

I am trained across a range of issues, but I have particular experience in the following areas:

Bereavement / Loss

The death of a loved one can be one of the most painful episodes in our lives. You may feel a huge range of emotions without any logic or order. Life may feel very difficult. We will work together to help you understand what you are feeling and why.



Certain situations in life can feel overwhelming sometimes. This can manifest itself in many ways physically and emotionally. We will work together to examine the source of this anxiety and how you can adopt strategies to overcome these feelings.


Depression can be a long-term affliction or arrive out of the blue. It can affect anyone at any stage of their life. It can feel extraordinarily isolating without any apparent escape. I will look at a range of techniques to help you, every approach is unique as you are unique.



A single event can cause trauma that can last a lifetime. We will work on ways of making you feel safe again and begin the process of healing.

Often one can be unaware of the effects that a traumatic event may have had on you until years later. We will explore this together in a safe environment.


Yes, we can all feel unhappy sometimes, but to feel that you are stuck in an unhappy place permanently is debilitating. We will work on establishing the reasons why you are stuck and look at ways to make new choices. With new choices comes change and a new outlook on life.